What Causes you to Wonder?

As the holidays and end of 2014 rapidly approach, I become reflective over the past year’s experiences. I believe looking back provides me an opportunity to see where I’ve been in order to adjust my course for where I want to go.

Encouragers Counseling and Training Centers, Inc. (ECTC), is in it’s infancy, but the Team of ECTC are very excited about where our humble beginnings have brought us in such a very short time. We’ve grown from an idea God placed on my (Vicki) heart in January of this year; to a full-blown non-profit 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt (pending) Counseling & Training Center.

One of the many challenges we face is, “HOW we can serve others and meet their needs if we don’t know EXACTLY what those needs are?”

In my practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist, this lack of knowing another’s needs is a common problem couples experience in their relationships. It’s also a common theme of conflict when problems come up in any close relationship: between parent and child, spouses, friends, co-workers, and employer-employee relationships. “I don’t know what you want from me,” can be screamed loudly from one person at another in the heat of battle when understanding breaks down in communication.

In order to meet the needs of those we serve, we on the ECTC Team are taking on the task of writing this blog to invite everyone to offer us any topics of concern and wonderment you might have. Our goal is to present our thoughts as well as the thoughts of other “experts” in whatever field of topic you present us. Our hope is that we could engage in discussion many who are suffering or wondering about the topics you present. I recall in school hearing, “There is no such thing as a stupid question.” I believe it’s when we STOP seeking wisdom and rely upon our own limited knowledge that we fall into the trap of isolationist thinking where another person’s opinions are invalidated and selfish pride rules. We at ECTC never want to appear prideful and so are very purposeful with our mission to serve others as Christ served. Won’t you help us help others? And when visiting our website, if you could provide a small gift of any size, you’ll be helping us help even more. Thank you for your consideration and willingness to come alongside us as we walk by faith.

Vicki Coffman, LMFT, Founder