'Tis the Season for Hope'

The holiday season can be the most joyful time of the year, and the most stressful. Often, individuals and couples feel the intensity of their problems more at this time of year because we are flooded by television shows, music, and sights, that remind us “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” Do you want to scream at the radio, “STOP! It’s NOT the most wonderful time. I’m miserable!”

Where is your hope this season? Are you stuck in worry over a fractured relationship? Have you tried everything, and nothing works? Do you feel like Scrooge and think, “Bah Humbug!” and try to focus on your Christmas by creating distractions; baking more cookies and pies (eating more cookies and pies), shopping at the mall and buying things you can’t afford for people you don’t like, just to have a sense of control over your emotions? Do you want to sit on Santa’s lap and cry over the loss of love you feel in your heart? Do you wish the dark clouds you experience would lift and warm sunshine would embrace your inner being? Do you feel hopeless?

If you are feeling this way, I want to give you hope. How can I “give” you hope? Well, hope is not found in a package under a Christmas tree. Hope is not found in improving your surroundings, a bigger house, a newer car, fine jewelry or money. Hope is the gift God gave us when he sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. It’s not about any other gift than one of hope.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

God wants and thinks about what’s best for you. HE is the only one who can give you hope, and HIS intention is to make your future better. Celebrate the birth of Christ this season and accept the gift of hope. It’s there waiting for you. A package wrapped in the love of God, tied up with a red bow with your name on it.

We at Encouragers Counseling & Training Centers want you to have the most enjoyable and hope filled Christmas ever. We are here to encourage, support, and give you confidence and are waiting to hear from you. Please contact us today so you can have a better tomorrow?Begin living the life God planed for your life through his gift of Hope.

Merry Christmas from the Encourager’s Team!