Stinkin' Thinkin'

Today is “Giving Tuesday”

I recently learned that the Tuesday AFTER Cyber Monday has become a day recognized for purposeful giving to charities. The thoughts are that Cyber Monday is the day you finish buying your Christmas gifts and while you’re waiting for them to be delivered you can donate a portion of your “left over” dollars to a charity or organization of your choosing. I began to consider this concept and came to the conclusion that this is “Stinkin’ Thinin’,” a term I learned in school which means our thoughts drive us to do things we later will regret.

America increasingly has become a society of “I want it, so I must have it” thinkers. Our Government leads the march toward bankruptcy with $18 Trillion Dollars of debt. In the USA, the average credit card debt among indebted households is $15,263. The average outstanding student loan balance is $31,646. The poverty level for a two family household is $15,930. It appears to me that the AVERAGE household is spending themselves into poverty–by the choices they make.

As some of you know, I’m a huge Dave Ramsey ( fan and counsel others on how to become “DEBT FREE!” as callers like to scream on Dave’s radio program when they achieve paying off all their debt. Dave follows biblical principals for achieving financial success: GIVE FIRST, have an Emergency Fund second, and pay your debts out of what is left, snowballing the payments until all your debts are paid off.

To be debt free should be a priority for Americans and seldom is. Are you teaching your children to live in debt or to be financially responsible. Dave’s website features a program to help your children learn financial responsibility so THEY won’t have to live in poverty; they can make a new choice.

I counsel families through teaching Financial Peace University, Dave’s program for helping families set up a budget, and move toward financial freedom. If YOU would like to make better financial choices, please call Encouragers Today at 951-900-4414.

And, as you consider the choices you have, even the choices for who to give your year end gifting to, Encouragers’ asks that you help us help those in need by donating a love gift today. The gift you give may help someone get out of the financial rut of poverty STINKIN’ THINKIN’ and make better choices for tomorrow.