There's a commercial on the radio that always makes me smile. The man is advertising his air conditioning service and says at the end of his promo that the customer will be, "Happy, happy, happy." I don't know why, but that just makes me smile every time I hear it.

Simple pleasures make me more happy than grand gestures. When I hear, "I love you" from my daughter, grand-babies, and friends, it just lifts my spirits to a place of soaring.

This week I've also come to a greater appreciation and love for my team and our work environment. The people I work with are upbeat, hardworking, giving, and loving people. It's a BLAST to hear someone who is a valuable team member say they "appreciate" or "Love" working at Encouragers. These words touch me to the point where I have to run out of the room because I don't want them to see me cry. I'm an M&M with a soft, gooey center, and this cracks my hard shell more than anything else.

Valentine's day is a symbolic day set aside to be reminded of the love we can share for each other. Being in the helping business allows us to give love to everyone who walks through our doors. Just so you know, Encouragers Counseling & Training Centers has been growing, and busting out at the seams with helping people: in just the past week we've helped over 156 people at all three of our locations (Riverside, Corona, & Murrieta). This is amazing and all the credit goes to the hard work of the encouragers team members.

Starting in March, Encouragers will be offering GROUPS!

We will be helping;

1) Women Veterans who have experienced Military Sexual Trauma

2) Women who need help understanding Emotional Manipulators, Finances, and life skills

3) Male Veterans who are coming together with a common purpose to help Homeless Vets.

If you would like to help us continue to grow, please keep us in your prayers, keep us on your facebook pages (and other social media), and consider giving a gift of any size! We love, love, love being able to help our clients be HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!

"I will give you a new heart and a new mind.

I will take away your stubborn heart of stone and give you an obedient heart. "

Ezekiel 36:26