The Gift

What a beautiful gift. I walked into the Encouragers’ Murrieta office this week and there was a UPS box labeled “Fresh Cut Flowers,” waiting for me. This beautiful gift, from a beautiful friend, was a welcomed surprise that brought joy to my heart.

This week we have been working, living, laughing, and loving through our day-to-day transgressions and habitual goings-about as usual. But what we have been missing are the daily bouquets of love that have been showered down from the heavens. This week has been a reminder of the gift God gave to the world in the form of Jesus Christ. From Palm Sunday when Jesus fulfilled prophecy when he rode the streets on a donkey, to the display of love he offered by the washing of the apostle’s feet, to the beatings, the scourging, the lashes, the shame, and the terror that befell him; all this was a gift of God to us.

What you say? A gift? Yes. God “gave” his only begotten son to us, so that we might be reunited to God through Jesus’ death on the cross. When Jesus died, he took the sins of the world, me and you, onto himself and his blood sanctified the world. When he rose three days later Jesus reaffirmed the power of the cross, as he was the living proof of the father’s love for us. Because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, we can now have confidence in a life after our time here on Earth. While we live, we have power and a helper in the Holy Spirit. When we die, we have eternal life, love, and laughter all in the presence of God and Jesus.

Today, Resurrection Sunday is a reminder of this amazing gift. God has placed this gift at your feet. Don’t leave it unopened. Reach down and open it. That’s all you need to do. Receive it. Open it. Explore it. Breath in the aroma of fragrances never experienced, a texture never felt, and brilliance incomparable that brings joy indescribable. Embrace the gift and the love it offers, and share the gift with others. It’s just too good to be true and too good to keep to yourself. Love given away grows exponentially and it returns immeasurably, and blooms unendingly. Give the gift of love.

Happy Easter!