Wrestling God

Have you ever looked at your life and asked God, "Why me"? I think at one point or another in our lives we can all feel hurt, frustrated, and lost in regards to how we ended up where we are. Relationships can fall apart, employment opportunities end, and health challenges can bring us to a place of wondering.

Even people in the Bible wrestled with trying to understand circumstances of life. Many of the Bible's heroes brought up the "why me" question to God in search of understanding, there's even an entire book called Lamentations which is filled with challenges David faced, but he always came back to the same answer, FAITH. Jacob, who was named ISREAL after he fought with God, “wrestled with him until daybreak” (Genesis 32:24). Moses asked God in the burning bush, "Who am I Lord" when he was directed to free the slaves from Egypt (Exodus 3:11).

I find it interesting that these great male roll models all questioned God's plan for their life, but some of the most famous women heroins of the Bible all said without hesitation, "Yes Lord" when they were faced with difficult situations,

Ruth (book of Ruth)

Esther (book of Esther)

Martha (Gospels of Luke and John)

Mary of Bethany (Martha's sister)

and Mary of Nazarene-the Mother of Christ.

In all these people's difficulties and challenges they came to the same solution: Faith. They believed their faith would bring them to a place where they could continue to move forward and not stay stuck. They had hope because they had faith. They had confidence beyond themselves because they believed their God was in control of the outcome and all they had to do was "walk" in their faith.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “

plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

– Jeremiah 29:11

We may not have control of our future, but we can have control of our present response to whatever circumstance we are in. God answers prayers in 3 ways: Yes, No, and Wait. All we have to do is figure out which one his answer. If it's not obviously a "Yes" or a "No"...maybe it's "WAIT." This is the hardest of things for us to do in a world of impatience and immediate gratification. But, what other choice do you have? You can wait anxiously and wrestle with God, or wait calmly and patiently for his answer. The choice is yours.