Heart Disease

Reports of heart disease are on the rise. People are suffering from underdeveloped heart muscles that are laying to waste as atrophy is setting in. There is a simple cure that has been shows to be 100% effective, but the cure is rare to find.

Consequently, people are dropping dead in their tracks, grabbing their hearts, and settling into quiet despair. I'm not talking about a disease that is caused by a virus or airborne toxins. It won't show up on a heart monitor or electrocardiogram (ECG). No nutritional or environmental changes will improve this disease. So, what is it? Rejection. What's the cure? Love.

Rejection is one of the most harmful emotions someone can feel. People will ruminate over broken relationships for years as they question what they could or should have done differently. In therapy, there is a rise of broken relationships where aging women are being rejected by their adult children. These women come to me with heavy hearts, full of regret and a desire to reconnect, but their children are resistant to allowing the connections. Many of these woman accept responsibility for their mistakes in how they stayed too long in abusive relationships because they were too weak to leave. Others say they had no skills or tools to deal with difficulty and did the best they could. Others regret that they were abandoned by men who offered no child support and the mom's were forced to work and leave the child care to others. All of these women come to me for solutions for their pain and methods to help them cope with the pain. They want to "move on" but the thoughts come in the middle of the night, stealing their sleep, and destroying their days. Some people put up walls and respond in anger. Others use drugs, alcohol, or men to distract them from their negative thoughts. Others try to pretend they don't care, to no avail. The heart wants what it wants and they stay stuck in a miserable place where they have no control of the situation and suffer all the consequences.

World renowned motivational speaker Tony Robbins his perspective when he said in his movie, I am not your guru, "Rejection breads obsession."

Two of my very good friends lost children to untimely deaths. They will never have the opportunity to hold their son or their daughter again. They morn their losses and remember birthdays and holidays of days-gone-by with their babies-- knowing those times will never be repeated. They know of their friends who are being rejected by their children and become angry because they would give anything to be with their loved ones again. Time is precious and has an expiration date. There is no guarantee of tomorrow. Don't let opportunity pass you by because once it's gone...it's gone. Don't suffer the effects of heart disease that can be cured easy enough. There is a saying,

Yesterday is gone,

Tomorrow is in the future.

Today is a gift, and that's why it's call "The Present."

The opportunity might not be there tomorrow. Gift love to someone today.