Pace Yourself

Dignity is a word that is not often used anymore and I think its significance is hard to explain by today's standards. The online Dictionary defines dignity as, "The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect." I think in today's world of hate crimes, rude hand gestures, and use of profanity in every day conversations, we have forfeited our own dignity while we disrespect the dignity of others.

I was flipping through old emails and found this article from The Jewish Standard (2016) in reference to First Lady Melania Trump's visit to Israel. No matter how you feel about President Trump you have to admit Melania was dignified:

The most memorable moment from the trip in Israel of president Trump and the First Lady was probably that moment at the entrance to the house of President Rivlin.

"Nechama Rivlin, President Rivlin’s wife, welcomed the First Lady Melania Trump at the door. As they were about to walk inside, Nechama whispered to Melania that she will do her best to catch up with the walking pace, but she might be a bit slower because of her medical condition which requires her to use an oxygen tank. Melania took her hand, looked at her and said: “We’ll walk at any pace you choose”. And so they walked, slowly, gracefully and proudly, hand in hand.

That, is the moment I choose to cherish. That silent gesture has neither any political significance nor any colorful tone to it, but it is everything.

It is the hope we yearn for when we speak of peace;

It is the kindness we wish to protect when we speak of defeating terror;

It is the dignity we want to teach when we speak of stopping hate;

It is the friendship we pray for when we speak of our unbreakable bond;

In other words, this gesture encompasses

everything that is good, kind and human."

- George Deek

from The Jewish Standard

Today, consider someone who you could display honor and respect toward and slow down, walk beside them, hand-in-hand, and the dignity your offer will be reflected in your own.

Day 34: Dignity