Risk - Reward

Last night I was catching up on the latest CoronaVirus information and saw New York City Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (D) sharing a term he has used to teach his daughter, Michaela Kennedy-Cuomo (see photo) about acting responsibly: "Risk-Reward." What he was sharing, and what many government officials are saying, is that whatever your decisions are--there are risks and rewards associated with them. It you are taking risks (party on the beach with 100's of others) you are not only taking a risk of potentially catching Covid-19, but you are potentially going to take that virus home to your family members, who may be at a greater risk of catching the disease and possibly dying. That is a HUGE unnecessary consequence for a day of drinking and socializing.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) also stated that officials who are creating policy and implementing Stay Home orders and using terms that create more fear and isolation are more dangerous than the Coronavirus. We witnessed that recently in Orange County when business who thought they were targeted as "unessential" began to close their doors and send home their employees.

Sometimes the cure is worse than the illness.

Governor Abbott also recommended we look for the positives, “Having all your family together is a beautiful thing, it’s also different. Try to find a positive in this.”

Please take caution to protect yourselves and others by not acting irresponsibly. Someone's lack of concern creates more concern for others who may be afraid for their lives or the lives of their loved ones.

If you know anyone who is suffering from Anxiety or Depression during these uncertain times, please keep these numbers available on your cell phone. You might be the life-line to someone who feels they are "unnecessary."






Veteran Suicide Hotline-


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Riverside County Mental Health Department

