Cloud Clearing

Good morning Sunshine! When I was a kid, my father would walk through the house playing taps (with his mouth) in order to roust us up for school. It was both annoying and kind of endearing as I grew older and had my own revelry with my daughter.

Today, we are all hearing the call to be rousted out of our comfortable place of home where the "new norm" has settled us. Isn't it funny that only a few short months ago the messages on social media were complaints about having to adjust to being home and breaking our routine of work and family? Half of our routine was removed without warning for most of America as businesses were shut down and everyone was on hiatus from work. Quietly we waited for the storm to pass, hoping it would come sooner than later. As the clock ticked and the days on the calendar flipped over, we settled in. We adapted to the new changes, and some even began to realize just how much of their partner and children's lives they had been missing by going to work. New routines were developed, some (I hope) will continue as traditions are established.

The American people are ingenious. When we are challenged with adversity we find ways to overcome it. When there were not enough ventilators and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) the automobile industry stopped making cars and began producing these produces at unprecedented speed. Within weeks there was an over abundance of masks, gloves, gowns, and ventilators available. People at home became creative as well repurposing pieces of clothe and scarves as they produced masks by the thousands.

Now, the storm clouds are clearing and Americans are returning to work. The clouds are not completely gone and some have chosen to not return to their offices and place of employment and have determined to continue to work from home. At my Murrieta office building I have been watching my neighbors close their doors for good. Many therapists have gotten used to conducting video-Telehealth and many of their clients are requesting to forgo face-to-face as they continue to shelter in place. Those who don't have the choice to stay home are cautiously returning to a work environment that is both new and unnerving. Anxiety is high for employees and employer and feelings of fear and uncertainty continue to rue the day.

We at Encouragers are hearing the revelry and are rising to the call. We see the opportunity to serve the community is even greater today than prior to the Covid-19. During this pandemic we have expanded our workforce and are looking to open a new Training Center this summer. We are now Medi-Cal approved and are serving even more low income families. Many of those who were employed have lost their insurance and we continue to offer scholarships as an alternative to insurance.

If you know someone who has been living under the cloud of Covid-19 and they could use a little sunshine in their lives, please refer them to Encouragers.

"Do not be anxious about anything,

but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving

let your requests be made known to God."

Philippians 4:6-7