Butterflies and Blooms

Over the past holiday and into the new year I was blessed to spend time with my grandchildren. They live far away so I'm grateful when I get to hug them and laugh with them in person. When it came time to say goodbye each of them walked me to my vehicle and drew a sad face on my dirty doors. Even though they've been gone now for weeks, I find I'm having a difficult time washing those sad faces off. As I waved goodbye to my daughter, a thought crossed my mind:

In the eyes of a child, I see you.

I see you in the eyes of a child.

I took this photo while walking with the kids one day. Like butterflies and blooms, our time with loved ones come and go way too quickly.

Some memories from this summer that I can reflect on in times of melancholy;

A couple holding hands, leaning over a railing at the end of the pier, watching a sunset together. Neither is talking, but both are in the moment together.

A couple seeing their newborn child together for the first time, tears falling down both of their cheeks as they look at each other, and without words, lean in for a kiss.

Two girlfriends sharing a cup of coffee and one shares a painful experience. The other tilts her head as she listens, and reaches out to gently squeeze the other’s hand.

Two guys watching a peewee football game and jibe each other as their sons compete. When the other’s son makes a touchdown, the first turns and smiles and nods at his buddy.

All these people are sharing a moment in time together. They are experiencing life’s wonderment, God’s beauty, and joy together…they co-appreciate the moment and in the sharing they are bonded - connected in this moment in time. The more moments two people share together increases the intimacy of their connection. There becomes a richness in the relationship because they now have experienced a memory that they can take away with them forever.

Relationships need these deep, intimate moments in order to grow. Happy couples naturally understand this and make efforts to grow their relationship through spending meaningful time together. My grandparents had a natural understanding of this. Every day they would go walking at the mall before the doors opened. It was a tradition they started early in their marriage and continued well into their 80’s. Walking hand-in-hand as they “exercised” by window shopping and talking with others who also walked. My grandparent’s love for each other shone brightly and many strangers commented on their shine. It was not uncommon for my grandparents to be approached by someone who would marvel and compliment them by saying, “I want what you have.” What they were witnessing was a universal appreciation for each other, what I call co-apprecious in action. Take time today to marvel at God’s wonderment and find someone to share those special moments with.

A butterfly flitters out of sight and the bloom of a flower fades into a memory, but those dirty doors still remind me of our time together.