
The beginning of change starts with knowing what changes to make.

Do you know that Hypothyroidism isn't just a medical condition but also affects your ability to balance your mood? 80% of people who experience Hypothyroidism (one in eight) are women. On average it can take a woman 5 years and 4 doctors to get properly diagnosed and many will give up and go without treatment or will take prescriptions that only address some of the symptoms.

Hashimoto's (the autoimmune form of Hypothyroidism) symptoms interfere with all aspects of life:

  • fatigue

  • brain fog

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • poor sleep

  • weight challenges

  • chronic constipation

  • dry skin

  • hair loss

  • low libido

Hypothyroidism can effect relationships, school/work/career, menstrual health, fertility, miscarriage, and breastfeeding, and can cause weight struggles that contributes to the negative emotions that are already challenging. One study reported 15% or more of women being treated for depression are being mistreated -- they actually have a thyroid problem. If left untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to heart disease and decreased cognitive functioning with age. Too often, doctors can dismiss symptoms such as anxiety, depression, low energy as a mental health issue and may make recommendations for lifestyle changes (exercise and diet) or may even prescribe improper medications. Some doctors will recommend the patient see a therapist.

Sadly, most mental health professionals are not educated in cooccurring medical and mental health conditions and will only look at the symptoms that are in within their scope of expertise (mental health). Some may refer the client/patient back to their doctor for testing. The client/patient can become stuck in a loop of unresolved symptoms that further exacerbate feelings of helpless hopelessness.

I look at the whole person and I teach my clinicians to look beyond the presenting symptoms. Sometimes the client doesn't know what the cause of their symptoms is. Maybe there is no trauma, no relationship distress, no history of mental health issues in the family. They just "feel off" and want to feel whole again.

What is the whole person approach? It's talking about trauma, but it's also about a person's biology, mental, physical, emotional, relational, and environmental health. We look at the individual's autonomic nervous system, their diet, their lifestyle choices, and their belief system. My training as a detective helps me dig-deep into all aspects of the person and together we find the answers. As a therapist, we may not be able to treat all aspects of a person's life, but maybe we cut down on the years of searching for the truth of why you feel the way you do. Sometimes, the best doctor is you!

"Physician, heal thyself."

Luke 4:23