Leaders Lead

I published an earlier blog called "Intentional Leadership" on September 29, 2021, stating that we have "a leadership crisis." Over the past few weeks and months, parents have taken a leadership role in their families, and out of the ashes of despair, individuals are rising to take on new roles in leadership all across America. I wold like to introduce you to one such amazing leader who I only recently came to hear about.

Virginia Lieutenant Governor elect, Winsome Sears (pictured), is someone to admire. Her Jamaican born father came to America to have a better life. He went back to Jamaica and brought his daughter, Winsome, to America at the age of 6. I think she's pretty bad-a-- and someone who was born a natural leader. I love when leaders lead.

During a recent acceptance speech for the position of Lieutenant Governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia, she said, "When I joined the Marine Corps, I was still a Jamaican. But this country had done so much for me, I was willing, willing, to die for this country." I am encouraged when average people do exceptional things. When someone who is "supposed" to feel oppressed takes a stand and speaks her truth that contradicts the lies others would have us believe,

"I'm telling you that what you are looking at

is the American dream!"

Winsome Sears

I have met other men and women who are standing up for what they believe to be honorable causes. When they realize their depression is caused by their lack of confidence, their inability to speak the truth, and their frustration at not being heard, they begin to see that their anger is justified and instead of sitting in their pain, they are standing up for what is right. They are breaking their silence and are speaking their truth... and it's amazing how quickly their symptoms of anxiety and depression disappear.

It is true what the Bible says,

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32