Light Shows

Christmas is a time for reflection on the things of the past; but it’s also a time for looking toward a future with hope for new beginnings. When Christ was born, his life meant we could have a future and a hope. Jesus gave us an example of how to live a righteous life. He was teacher and counselor, mentor and trainer, priest and redeemer. When he spoke he spoke only truth, because he was truth. When he spoke his intentions were clearly stated, and when it came to his life purpose, he never wavered. He walked a path where others could follow and he openly invited all to, "Follow me." He didn’t lament when others walked away. His focus was on the ones who followed and whom he lovingly called his disciples.

Jesus went to the cross and sacrificed his life so that everyone would have the same opportunity for salvation. John 3:16 says he died on the cross for all mankind. The Bible also says we must make the choice who we will serve (Joshua 24:14-15). At ENCOURAGERS we are servants. We serve the needs of our clients. We serve our community. We serve each other as we are all part of the same organization. We know we are following our calling as therapists and we want our lights to shine brightly through our acts of service. We hope that light shows our love to all who we serve.

Merry Christmas from the Encouragers Team!