
I was listening to a discussion regarding the apparent lack of concern over the loss of lives affected by adverse effects compounding our health, wealth, and lifestyle.

At unprecedented rates children are cutting and other self-harm behaviors, veterans are committing suicide nearly double previous years, unemployment is at an all-time high, taxes are rising, food prices are rising, and incomes are dropping below poverty rates. People who used to be considered high income earners are now living pay-check-to paycheck and low income earners are facing homelessness. Since the pandemic, people are now dying from Sudden Death Syndrome without a proper diagnosis for cause of death because even death has been politicized. People are criticized, belittled, and bullied without cause or ability to defend. Crime is up and help is nowhere to be found. It's no wonder people are unable to object when they are overwhelmed and polarized by the constant onslaught of negative information designed to create fear.

When one considers how the body is designed to respond to danger it's easy to see our physiology has warning bells going off constantly. This natural alarm system dumps hormones into our system designed to help us run or fight against the dangers. But when we are sitting at home or working behind a desk it's hard to identify what the danger is or how to attack it. Experience this long enough and your system begins to shut down and feelings of overwhelm block the mind from finding solutions. We can become paralyzed, and this can lead to depression rooted in hopelessness and an overall sense of helplessness.

How do we overcome this sense of overwhelm? It takes time and practice, but once you find your balance again, you can stay balanced even in situations that are unnerving and fearful. Here's 3 steps to start you on your way:

  1. What is making you fearful? There are many things going on all at once. Write down all your concerns and see what are the top issues that are making you afraid. Do you fear for your health, wealth, or happiness? Do you fear losing your job, losing your marriage, losing your mind? What is it EXACTLY that is making you fearful?

  2. Ask yourself, "Is this a true and real threat or is it just my imagination running wild? I heard 90% of what we worry about never comes to reality. We worry and worry about things that never happen and it steals joy and contentment from our lives. If the problem is just in our mind, write it down and all the things you could do to avoid the thing you fear. If it's not happening now, you can't do anything about it anyway. Say a prayer that God would take that worry from you and let it go.

  3. Can you change the situation? If you do have a real problem, how can you solve it? Make a plan to take action. If you have no money can you get a job or sell something? If your spouse has left you, focus on what you can do to improve your circumstances. Stop focusing on others and focus on you, your needs, your family's needs, and what you can do for yourself and those you care for. Make a plan then do it. One step leads to two and so on. You must take the first step to make a change.

When you take this three-step approach to solving your problems, you'll soon find that your list of problems will shrink and become more manageable. We will always have problems to solve. Things real and imagined can get thrown at us every day. Our job is to separate out what is a real danger and what is perceived (false danger) and then DO SOMETHING about it. Taking action, even when you are afraid, leads to courage. Do it repeatedly and you'll develop confidence in your ability, and that leads to success.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9