Small Brain Syndrome

There is a pandemic in America (dare I say the world) that has people receiving a diagnosis of SBS (Small Brain Syndrome). The problem is people with limited knowledge are making decisions for others based on feelings over facts, control over non-compliance, and lies over truth.

Yesterday, I learned from a friend (who is a registered nurse), that she will soon be fired from her job and her children will not be allowed to attend school because of the forced vaccine mandates. Another friend of mine has 2 weeks to take the shot or she also will be terminated from her job as a therapist. I am appalled that people are being forced to make decisions that violate their moral, ethical, spiritual, and legal freedoms. On the other hand, I couldn't be more proud of them for standing on principle.

Small Brain Syndrome is

when there is an imbalance between having an big heart,

but a limited ability to see the truth.

Mental Illness is running rapid because good people are being harmed. People who know in their heart they want to do the "right thing" are conflicted when what they feel is right is challenged by others who feel they are right. Why can't both be right and make personal choices for themselves? This doesn't seem to be an option anymore as there is a push for 100% compliance, even if the compliance results in death or permanent damage to life and limb. Children are stuck in the middle of all this chaos and their mental health is suffering. Suicides have skyrocketed more than the Covid-19 pandemic every caused harm to children. Unfortunately, parents unknowingly gave away their rights and now they are demanding they be returned. I pray for everyone caught in the cross-hairs of a world at war. The rich get richer, the middle class disappears, and the poor suffer more than ever.

  • Businesses are being directed to turn away customers and fire their best employees who are not vaccinated. This has caused an increase in overhead to the company (they have to hire someone to check the passports), a reduction in revenue (50-60 percent reduction on average), which means the business will soon go out of business and the employees, business owners, and customers suffer.

  • Children are being told they cannot go to school unless their parents get them vaccinated. So the parents who have been fired for not being vaccinated are at home with their unvaccinated children who also have been "fired" from attending school.

  • School officials are calling parents, "domestic terrorists" because they are speaking truth about what is being taught in schools.

  • Police Departments are being shut down, which results in crime and homicide rates going up.

  • Obnoxious people harass others, follow them into bathroom stalls, beat them down, and threaten their lives, their livelihood, and their children all while on video which then gets posted to social media.And I just heard the next thing on the mandate list is to fire an employee who has been vaccinated, but their spouse (or partner, or other person they come into contact with) has not been vaccinated.

When will this insanity stop? When those who want to destroy others no longer profit. Whenever there is abuse, you can usually find the motivation by following the money. Look who is benefitting financially and you'll find the truth behind SBS. I wish we could have used this much focused and financial attention to overcome homelessness, addiction, domestic violence, crime, and other social justice reforms. But wait, there isn't any profit in that.

"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve;...

But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:15