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Do you "celebrate" Halloween? This holiday tends to be gaining steam with the yard decorations, lights, and gatherings in full swing. Some people are looking more to celebrate this unique holiday rather than celebrating Christmas, which to them is a religious holiday. Others are offended at the holiday that is focused on "evil spirits" and characters from scary movies. I look at the origins of the holidays and use each celebration to learn about its roots.

At Encouragers we like to celebrate any occasion we can and last year we celebrated Mahaloween, a celebration of Hawaiian traditions. It was fun learning from one of our therapists who was stationed in Hawaii during her husband's deployment. Learning about how other cultures celebrate our holidays is interesting. I forget that other countries don't celebrate Thanksgiving and was reminded by a therapist of Chinese background who thought turkey and mashed potatoes were "poor people's food." We laughed when she said she shared her traditional celebratory meals included sushi, (something I'm not fond of). I loved learning about Tea Ceremonies and even how clothing plays a large part of the celebration.

This year, go all out learning even if you don't celebrate. The knowledge is worth it.

Cherish each hour of this day for it can never return." OG MANDINO

If you'd like to learn more about making lasting changes, read my book: Live Intention. Live the life you always wanted, but never believed you could. Available at Barns and Noble, Amazon, and iTunes

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